LABOR LAW FIRM LAW& 노무법인로앤은 차별화된 역량과 노무법인로앤은 차별화된 역량과 전문성으로 당신에게 필요한 솔루션을 제공하는 최고 전문가 집단입니다.


    Lawful subcontract

    Overview of consulting for improvement of in-house subcontracting operating system
    Through a legal review about whether to violate of the Act on The Protection, Etc. Of Temporary Agency Workers,
    such as illegal agency work and disguised subcontract, we diagnose problems with the current method of managing
    subcontracting and temporary agency workers and come up with improvement plan. By doing so,
    we eliminate any room for punishment due to violations of the laws and regulations.

    노동부 사내하도급 적법성 판단 방법

    Consulting process for improvement of in-house subcontracting operating system

    사내하도급 운영체계 개선 컨설팅 프로세스